Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
103374 Journal of information security and applications 2214-2126 Elsevier
103759 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2212-4209 Elsevier
103770 Physics Procedia 1875-3892 Elsevier
103170 Sustainable Computing : Informatics and Systems 2210-5379 Elsevier
103194 Nano Energy 2211-2855 Elsevier
113648 ALTEX - Alternatives to Animal Experimentation 1868-596X Elsevier
114491 Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 2352-0078 Elsevier
114536 Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry 2452-2236 Elsevier
114022 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 1571-0653 Elsevier
114025 Journal de Radiologie Diagnostique et Interventionnelle 2211-5706 Elsevier
115145 Human Microbiome Journal 2452-2317 Elsevier
96922 Transportation Research Procedia 2352-1465 Elsevier
97250 Journal of High Energy Astrophysics Elsevier
98249 Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 1877-959X Elsevier
98201 Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology 2210-7401 Elsevier
93678 Advances In Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Elsevier
98443 Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2215-0382 Elsevier
98549 Colloids and Surfaces 0166-6622 Elsevier
113476 Mécanique et Industries 1296-2139 Elsevier
113514 Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2212-0548 Elsevier
113542 Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2451-9103 Elsevier
113560 Meta Gene 2214-5400 Elsevier
113596 Lancet Haematology 2352-3026 Elsevier
113115 GeoResJ 2214-2428 Elsevier
113065 Artery Research Elsevier
135668 Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis 1874-6004 Elsevier
136682 Advances in Life Course Research 1569-4909 Elsevier
136242 Sustainable Materials and Technologies 2214-9937 Elsevier
139586 Atmospheric environment: X 2590-1621 Elsevier
139603 China Population, Resources and Environment 1872-583X Elsevier
139699 Food and Waterborne Parasitology 2405-6766 Elsevier
139798 eNeurologicalSci 2405-6502 Elsevier
139399 Surfaces and Interfaces 2468-0230 Elsevier
139254 Cancer genetics 2210-7762 Elsevier
139073 Ophthalmology Glaucoma 2589-4234 Elsevier
138779 Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 1872-5813 Elsevier
138822 Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2238-7854 Elsevier
138890 Geodesy and Geodynamics 1674-9847 Elsevier
140288 Materials Today Bio 2590-0064 Elsevier
133552 Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2214-7861 Elsevier
133661 Pulmonology 2531-0437 Elsevier
133757 Fusion Engineering and Design Elsevier
134967 HeartRhythm Case Reports Elsevier
135086 Pregnancy Hypertension 2210-7789 Elsevier
134068 EMC - Dermatologie 0246-0319 Elsevier
133784 Materials Today Nano 2588-8420 Elsevier
134669 Current Opinion in Physiology 2468-8673 Elsevier
134232 The Lancet. Psychiatry 2215-0366 Elsevier
137750 HardwareX 2468-0672 Elsevier
137821 Energy for Sustainable Development 0973-0826 Elsevier
137339 Biosurface and Biotribology 2405-4518 Elsevier
137926 International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2212-8689 Elsevier
137938 European Urology Oncology 2588-9311 Elsevier
138242 Journal of Structural Biology: X 2590-1524 Elsevier
138685 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2211-3835 Elsevier
138689 Energy Storage Materials 2405-8297 Elsevier
137112 EJVES Short Reports Elsevier
137594 Ampersand 2215-0390 Elsevier
137611 European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 2468-7499 Elsevier
123659 Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier Elsevier
128122 Neurobiology of Stress 2352-2895 Elsevier
126971 JAAD Case reports 2352-5126 Elsevier
127761 International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 1878-450X Elsevier
127764 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 0305-0491 Elsevier
127566 Journal d'imagerie diagnostique et interventionnelle 2543-344X Elsevier
130693 Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 2468-4511 Elsevier
130700 Journal of Choice Modelling 1755-5345 Elsevier
130735 Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2049-0801 Elsevier
130789 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment Elsevier
130446 Sustainable Production and Consumption 2352-5509 Elsevier
130525 Smart Health 2352-6483 Elsevier
130613 Veterinary Parasitology : Regional Studies and Reports 2405-9390 Elsevier
131833 Progrès en Urologie - FMC 1761-676X Elsevier
131868 Journal of Space Safety Engineering 2468-8967 Elsevier
131566 Materialia 2589-1529 Elsevier
131649 Practical Laboratory Medicine 2352-5517 Elsevier
131700 Water Resources and Rural Development 2212-6082 Elsevier
131795 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 2352-5541 ELSEVIER
131244 Future Computing and Informatics Journal 2314-7288 Elsevier
130888 Underground Space 2467-9674 Elsevier
130925 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 2451-9049 Elsevier
130394 Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2405-6308 Elsevier
130424 Scandinavian Journal of Pain 1877-8879 Elsevier
130990 Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 1658-077X Elsevier
76658 RIAI Elsevier
72983 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 2095-0349 Elsevier
72984 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1000-9361 Elsevier
92964 Atmospheric Pollution Research 1309-1042 Elsevier
3273 Atmospheric Environment 1352-2310 Elsevier
19371 Telecommunications Policy 0308-5961 Elsevier
18830 Science of the Total Environment 0048-9697 Elsevier
12640 DNA Repair 1568-7864 Elsevier
934768 Food and Humanity 2949-8244 Elsevier
18840 Scripta Materialia 1359-6462 Elsevier
932874 Journal of Genetics and Genomics 1673-8527 Elsevier
17239 Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 0027-5107 Elsevier
146159 Biomedical journal 2319-4170 Elsevier
16007 Journal of Phonetics 0095-4470 Elsevier
18254 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 0360-1285 Elsevier
19751 Trends in Microbiology 0966-842X Elsevier
119690 Alexandria Engineering Journal 1110-0168 Elsevier
12692 Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 0377-0265 Elsevier
123363 ICT Express 2405-9595 Elsevier
795820 Indoor Environments 2950-3620 Elsevier
14994 Journal for Nature Conservation 1617-1381 Elsevier
527976 Current Research in Insect Science 2666-5158 Elsevier
6008 Journal of Development Economics 0304-3878 Elsevier
17078 Microchemical Journal 0026-265X Elsevier
12004 Computational Materials Science 0927-0256 Elsevier
18054 Plant Science 0168-9452 Elsevier
6178 Journal of Human Evolution 0047-2484 Elsevier
17480 Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 0362-546X Elsevier
19594 Theoretical Computer Science 0304-3975 Elsevier
18247 Progress in brain research 0079-6123 Elsevier
7360 Neural Networks 0893-6080 Elsevier
133638 iScience Elsevier
16760 Linear Algebra and its Applications 0024-3795 Elsevier
144340 Operations Research Perspectives 2214-7160 Elsevier
22406 Cortex 0010-9452 Elsevier
12056 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 0168-1699 Elsevier
17964 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 0167-2789 Elsevier
8987 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0965-8564 Elsevier
19306 Systems and Control Letters 0167-6911 Elsevier
160764 JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology Elsevier
12029 Computer Networks 1389-1286 Elsevier
12018 Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier
87610 Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 0049-237X Elsevier
206252 Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry 2468-1717 Elsevier
15971 The Journal of Pediatrics 0022-3476 Elsevier
16483 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 0377-0273 Elsevier